Dear Friends,
This Tuesday was deeply unsettling. My morning began with multiple reports from friends and family that government funding for their work had been abruptly cut off. Companies contracted with the US government to work on its projects were trying to access payment for work already done and being denied. Major research and innovation groups were saying they anticipated an end to their existence. And, I got heartbreaking emails from organizations providing care for people in need.
As most of you know, Donald Trump ordered and later rescinded a freeze on all spending related to federal grants and loans in order to purge government contracts of diversity, equality, and inclusion related policies. (Almost everyone who works with the federal government has these policies because, until yesterday, the federal government refused to work with organizations that did not have them.) My first thoughts were for my own family. Jamie seemed likely to lose his job in short order, and I didn’t know what the impact might be on our foster care agency. Then I began to think through who else receives federal grants and loans - schools, students, hospitals, research projects of all kinds, charities, etc. The number of people who would be suddenly unemployed, homeless, or unable to obtain needed health care would be catastrophic. In fact, the news was already reporting that Medicaid payments were being denied in every state.
It was a significant relief to hear that the order was rescinded on Wednesday morning. However, I remain deeply concerned about Trump’s willingness to do great harm to many people and throw the nation into chaos.
In all of this, I am thinking about Jesus speaking to his disciples as he was preparing to be crucified, telling them to expect trouble and not to be shaken by it when it comes. I don’t usually use the Message translation because it embellishes a bit more than I would like. But I thought it was particularly good in this case. Here is John 16:33,
“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”
It is hard to know right now how all this might play out, and it’s hard not to be shocked by the level of disdain for human lives that is being displayed by the president of the nation in which we live and by many of his supporters. I find it helpful to remember that Jesus told us in advance that evil would continue to happen in this world. We have not been promised an easy life or governments that support the values of the kingdom of God. Instead, we have been promised trouble and conflict with the authorities of this world. My precious friends, in all of this, do not give in to anger, hatred, or despair. Instead, continue to do good to your neighbor, especially to the poor and the immigrant, and put your trust in God and not in human leaders.
If you like, pray this song with me,
Love in Christ,