Meeting every Sunday at Clairemont Canyons Academy!Click here to learn more!


Serving Together

Please follow the links below to find out about ways to get involved in serving at Coast.

Serve on Sundays

Serve on Sundays

Serve with us each Sunday in the following areas:

  • Welcome Team:   This is our team that meets and greets everyone on Sunday morning.  Contact MaryAnn for more details.
  • Tabernacle Team:  Join us to help setup and put away everything for our Sunday service.  Contact Rob for more details.
  • Worship Team:  Put your singing and musical talents to work creating an atmosphere for worship. Contact Justin for more details.

Bridge of Hope

Bridge of Hope

Bridge of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping families through transition. Transition can mean many things; recovery from a drug and alcohol addiction, domestic violence, illness, loss of a job, divorce, struggling single parents, widowhood as well as refugees coming to America.


We are partnering with Bridge of Hope to provide non-perishable food items for refugee families and other families who are being impacted during this time.  While you are making your grocery purchases, would you also consider adding some of the following items:

  • cooking oil
  • instant coffee
  • sugar
  • one pound bags of rice or beans. (You can buy a larger bag of rice or beans and break it into one pound portions for cost effectiveness if you prefer.)

Please no canned food at this time.  You can drop these items off at Bridge of Hope or contact us and we will let you know the Coast Vineyard drop off locations.

There are also opportunities to volunteer with Bridge of Hope in person.  For further information, connect with Bridge of Hope on Facebook or on their website.

Love 146


Every minute two children are trafficked into the commercial sex trade. As a community of believers at Coast Vineyard Christian Fellowship, we want to respond to God's call for justice. In response, Coast Vineyard has partnered with the non-profit organization Love146 to combat child-sex-trafficking locally and internationally through prevention, advocacy, and aftercare.

"Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17 (NIV)

5 Ways to Get Involved:

  1. Know the signs of a trafficked victim and Report
    1-888-373-7888 (National Hotline)
  2. Advocate Politically (for national/local laws)
  3. Get Educated
  4. Support our Roundhome (aftercare house for victims) $25/month
  5. Pray! Become a Prayer Partner


Thailand Partnership

Thailand Partnership

Coast Vineyard has been partnership with local Vineyard churches in Thailand and other parts of South-East Asia since 2004. Each year, we bring a team of Coast members to visit partner churches to support and encourage the ongoing work of local leadership.

Over the years, three Coast families have moved to Thailand full time to adopt orphans and invest in community development. One family has started its own organization, the Charis Project, and Coast gives monthly to support their work. We also visit these families on our annual trips.

To learn more about our Thailand Partnership, contact Joe Pace 

In the Vineyard, we place a high value on local churches planting and building friendships with local churches. We believe this is more effective and builds stronger relationships than working through missions organizations. And we place high value on empowering local leadership who are part of the culture in which they are leading over the long term placement of foreign missionary pastors. To learn more about cross-cultural partnerships in the Vineyard, visit the Vineyard Missions website at