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About Us

Welcome to Coast Vineyard. Coast Vineyard is a community of love, loving God, loving each other, and loving the world. We are also a part of the Vineyard USA group of churches. For more information, please click on the tabs below.

Our Vision

Coast Vineyard:  A  Community of Love


Worship // We will devote ourselves to worshipping together, faithfully telling about God’s goodness and praising God for everything God has done for us.
Scripture // We will call and equip every member to pursue relationship with God through the study of Scripture and a lifestyle of obedience to the teaching of Jesus.
Prayer // We will call and equip every member to pursue relationship with God through corporate and personal prayer, welcoming and expecting the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our midst.


Every Member Valued // We will work to make everyone feel welcome in our community, building a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and economically diverse community in which leadership reflects the make-up of our church community.
Every Member Cared For // We will build a home group system in which members are known, loved, and cared for, and through which we will share resources with one another in times of need.
Every Member Growing // We will equip every member in the essentials of following Jesus, such as sharing the message of God’s kingdom, praying for one another, studying the Bible, and exercising spiritual gifts for the blessing of the community. We will also challenge members to stretch themselves and to take risks of faith as God calls them.


Evangelism // We will welcome all people into our church and invite them to new life in Jesus in our services, home groups, events, and daily lives.
Compassion and Justice // We will engage local and world issues in a meaningful way, using the resources of our church to address social justice issues in our city, carrying out works of compassion on behalf of those in need in our city, and caring for God’s creation.
Church planting // We will send out diverse teams to plant new churches, participating in the expansion of God’s kingdom here on earth.

About Vineyard USA

Coast Vineyard is a part of a global family of churches called the Vineyard and is a member of the Association of Vineyard Churches USA.  To learn more about the Vineyard, please visit