Dear Friends,
Last Sunday, we read the words of blessing proclaimed by the angels on the night of Jesus' birth in Luke 2:14. This time, I’m quoting from the NKJV.
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
We talked Sunday, when we read this together, about how God likes people and desires to do good to us. I want to share a few more thoughts about this today.
This morning I was reading Jesus’ instructions to the seventy-two disciples that he sent out to share the good news in Luke 10:5-7. The following is my own translation.
“Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If a child of peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they provide.”
Thinking about a blessing of peace going out from one person and resting on another or returning to the person from whom it came, I’m struck by the physicality of the language used here. It seems as if this blessing of harmony and well-being has a physical reality that settles on another person (or doesn’t). I can’t help but wonder if it would make sense to attribute a similar physicality to the peace proclaimed by the angels in Luke 2:14. Does God’s peace come upon us in a palpable way as we say yes to becoming his children, that is, to becoming children of peace?
Over the last few years, I have felt closer to God than I have at any other time in my life. I believe that this is, at least partly, the fruit of going through some very difficult times that have required me to depend on God more and to see my dependency more clearly. A number of friends and acquaintances have approached me unexpectedly to say they sensed an uncanny peace about me. I found myself unsurprised by this and replied that what they were sensing was something I also felt. It does seem like something that is physically with me. And it is a wonderful feeling, one that I would love everyone to share. And so, I would like to speak (or write) a blessing of peace over you right now, with the hope that God’s peace will come to you in a deeply physical way and fill and bless you.
Slow down a moment, and receive this blessing.
May the peace of Jesus descend over you and rest on you. May you feel his presence with you in your body and in your soul. Where there is conflict, may Jesus come and bring freedom and grace. Where there is anxiety or pain, may Jesus come and bring hope, restoration, and the promise of new life. May the Spirit of the Lord fill you now and always and cause you to thrive in every way. Amen.
Love in Christ,